The GO team exists to inform and engage the Grace Chapel community in its cross-cultural and regional expressions of Jesus’ disciple-making mandate.
That every member and friend of the Grace Chapel community be actively engaged in God’s global purposes of making disciples of all peoples through praying, sending and going, leveraging their resources, abilities and professional skills to accomplish Jesus’ mandate.
We are currently partnering with over twenty global workers in Europe, East and Southeast Asia, Africa, Mexico and the US, involved in a variety of ministries including mobilization, technology, church planting, physical and art therapy, business and pastoring. These partnerships involve leveraging different abilities, professional skills and resources for Jesus’ disciple-making purposes.
Core Values
We commit to disciple-making which helps people know Jesus through loving relationship wherever life happens so that they will do the same with others.
Through meeting the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of people we proclaim and demonstrate the gospel, engaging unreached peoples near and far, and serve alongside the global church.
We follow where God is working in our midst then prepare, invest highly in and establish accountability with those we send to accomplish Jesus' mandate.
We provide on-ramps through prayer and correspondence opportunities, short-term trips, English as a Second Language (ESL), training and internships, and connections with the GO team.